The Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities (DCBDD) believes that all people deserve to have equal access to and be equal participants in all aspects of community life. This is the foundation of inclusion. The community should be welcoming of people of all abilities and all backgrounds and provide opportunities for meaningful inclusion.
Access Delaware is a program that identifies local business/organizations that have made efforts to be more inclusive. Perks of participating in the Access Delaware program include:
- Demonstration of commitment to creating an inclusive community
- Access Delaware decal for your business/organization
- Access Delaware logo for your business/organization website
- Your business/organization listed on the Access Delaware webpage
- Eligibility to receive a Lifetime of Giving Award
- A chance to be highlighted on DCBDD social media channels
The criteria below provide guidance on actions businesses/organizations should take to ensure that they are welcoming of all people and able to support their inclusion in all activities, programs, and events. Upon successful evidence of meeting the criteria in at least 1 category, DCBDD will provide businesses/organizations with an Access Delaware window/door decal (and an electronic copy) to highlight its commitment to inclusion. DCBDD will also promote, via our website and social media channels, all businesses/organizations that achieve this level of commitment as it demonstrates progress toward a more inclusive community and society.
Access Delaware Program Criteria:
The physical space and environment of the organization is universally accessible:
- Business/organization has at least one ADA compliant accessible entrance and exit
- Business has at least one ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible bathroom
- Business has at least one ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible activity space
- Business has at least one universal changing table
The business/organization employs individuals with developmental disabilities:
- The business/organization employs individuals with developmental disabilities
- The business/organization has collaborated with the Delaware County Employment Collaborative or Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities to promote the employment of individuals with developmental disabilities
- Employees have participated in at least one training related to but not limited to disability awareness, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or best practices in supporting people with developmental disabilities
The business/organization has a visible inclusion statement:
- Inclusion statement is prominently displayed on website and social media platforms
- Inclusion statement is prominently displayed inside the business/organization
- Business/organization has rules, policies, or guidelines that document how it demonstrates its commitment to being welcoming to people of all abilities and backgrounds
The business/organization has adequate programming and equipment that support inclusion:
- Online and in-person or telephone registration options are available for program registration
- The business/organization advertises the ability to modify and/or adapt typical programming, if needed
- Adaptive options are easy to find and well-described on printed materials and electronic platforms